After this we had several frank heart to heart talks on my dressing up and how I felt about not being able to control my desire to dress as a lady. All our married lives she has been very sweet and understanding in everything we did or do So after numerous and lengthy discussions (for days and nights) she seemed to understand my feelings and desires and has gone along with me.

A great portion of her disapproval was, as she readily admits, due to the fact that she didn t understand or know anything about TVism except the few incidents with me She has now read all the books I have on TV and seen the pictures. Now she helps by purchasing the pretty things I so dearly love to wear and I dress in the evenings after the children are out of the way or on our frequent weekends out together. realize I am very fortunate to have such an understanding wife to accept me and allow me to express my strong desires. (Pictures on next page) Lena Arkansas



A gal in our office gets lots of attention Her good looks rate higher than honorable mention. She dresses quite simply yet tastefully too

Her makeup is perfect and her eyes are so blue

Her shape in a sweater causes strong men to blubber For how could they know the illusion is rubber!

Her hair a gold halo goes over real big Perfection costs money in an excellent wig.

The curves of her hips are divine to behold For, where padding is needed, then padding is sold. Artificial aids most girls use whenever they can So who could suspect this girl's a man!
